Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - July 11, 1991

This page is dedicated to the memory of our friends
and co-workers who died aboard MXQ,
As well as the 247 other people who died that day.
There were no survivors.

Photo taken by Zulal Cartmell

Back L-R:
Kay Smith (Service Director), Deb Salej, Susan Edwards (not on Flight 2120), Dolores Colacci
Front L-R: 
Carol Prott, Munir Velgi (Purser), Louisa Mangoff, and Gaynor Bryson

Flight Attendants not pictured above: Caroline LeClerc, Zulal Cartmell
Flight Crew not pictured above: William Alan, Kent Davidge, Victor Fehr

Other employees not pictured aboveAldo Tettamanti (Project Manager), Jean-Paul Phillipe (Lead Mechanic)

If anyone has photos of employees not pictured , I'd be happy to include them here. Please contact me.

Photos taken by Zulal Cartmell and graciously
sent for use here by her sister Gusha.

   Flight Attendant: 
Caroline LeClerc
       Photo of Caroline LeClerc
       courtesy of Serge Bernier
Flight Engineer: 
Victor Fehr
Photo of Victor Fehr
courtesy of Robert Fehr
Project Manager: 
Aldo Tettamanti
Photo of Aldo Tettamanti
 courtesy of Renzo Tettamanti

Nationair Canada Toronto Memorial 

The Nationair Memorial is located at the GTAA offices at 3111 Convair Drive in Mississauga, close to the Toronto Pearson Airport.

The tree and plaque can be found on the right-hand side of the walkway leading to the front door of the building.

The memorial honours the Nationair Canada crew members and Nigerian pilgrims who died on July 11, 1991 when their DC8 crashed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


   Sadly, the original Guestbook that was here,  changed hands several times  and is no longer available.